calendar October Promo!
20% OFF + 90% Profit Split On All Challenges
tag CODE: OCT20

FAQ Details


Are EAs allowed?

Yes, EAs are enabled on our trading platforms.

However, the use of EAs of martingale (of all forms – manual trading and EA), Layering, Order Book Spamming, High-Frequency Trading, Ultra-Fast Scalping, Latency Arbitrage Trading, any Tick Scalping Strategies, any Reverse Arbitrage Trading, any Hedge Arbitrage Trading, or any use of similar emulators are not allowed.

We require the average duration of all your trades to be greater than 2 minutes.

We understand some trades may have a duration of less than 2 minutes, and this is ok, we simply require the majority of trades and the average duration of all trades to exceed 2 minutes.

This is in place to prevent Tick scalping and high frequency traders attempting to manipulate our price feed offered in good faith.